Five Reasons Why Drinking Water May Help You Lose Weight

The more you drink water, the more you lose weight

The idea that drinking water helps you lose weight is backed up by a lot of research. Additionally, hydration is important for several processes that contribute to weight reduction, such as digestion and muscular activity.

Although several studies indicate a good relationship between increased water consumption and weight reduction, researchers are still uncertain of why drinking more water helps a person lose weight.



Here are five explanations for why drinking water might aid in weight loss.

1. Natural appetite suppressant water

The brain receives signals from the stomach telling it to stop eating once it is satisfied. By helping to fill up the stomach, water can help people feel fuller and longer and eat less.

Another scenario is when someone believes they are hungry when they are truly thirsty. To avoid mindless munching, try drinking a glass of water before reaching for food.

In a 2014 research, 50 overweight women drank 500 millilitres (mL) of water in addition to their usual water intake for 8 weeks. They did this before breakfast, lunch, and supper.

2. Water accelerates fat burning

According to some studies, drinking water can aid in calorie burning. 12 participants in a 2014 research who drank 500 mL of cold or room temperature water saw an increase in energy use.

In the 90 minutes after consuming the water, they burnt 2 to 3 percent more calories than normal. The body’s resting energy expenditure, or the number of calories expended when at rest, may also momentarily increase with the consumption of water.

3. Water aids in the body’s waste removal

Dehydration prevents the body from properly eliminating waste such as urine or faeces. The kidneys retain vital nutrients and electrolytes while filtering pollutants and waste with the aid of water. The kidneys retain fluid when the body is dehydrated.


Constipation and stiff or lumpy faeces are further symptoms of dehydration. Water facilitates the movement of waste by easing or softening stiff stools. Water also aids in the body’s recovery from digestive issues including indigestion and diarrhoea.

People who accumulate waste in their bodies may experience bloating, swelling, and fatigue. The waist might get larger as a result of bloating. A smart approach to prevent retaining waste, which might result in a few extra pounds, is to stay hydrated.

4. Water consumption can lower total liquid calorie intake.

By consuming soda, juice, or sweetened coffee or tea, it is simple to consume liquid calories. The majority of individuals also disregard the calories in alcoholic or sports drinks. Long-term weight loss advantages may result from substituting water or other calorie-free liquids, including herbal tea, for even a few high-calorie drinks each day.

A group of obese females saw an average weight loss of between 2 and 2.5 percent after switching two or more high-calorie beverages for non-caloric ones every day for six months, according to the authors of a 2012 research.

5. Water is essential for fat burning

The body cannot adequately digest stored fat or carbs without water.

Lipolysis is the term used to describe the breakdown of fat. In the first stage of this procedure, hydrolysis, glycerol and fatty acids are produced from the interaction of water molecules with triglycerides (fats).

In order to burn off both stored fat and fat from food and drink, it is crucial to consume adequate water.

Here are some articles that explain the importance of water. 


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