Health Risks Associated With Folliculitis

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Folliculitis is a skin ailment that develops when a hair follicle, a microscopic pocket in the skin, becomes clogged or infected with bacteria. The only body portions without these hair follicles are the lips, palms, and soles of the feet. As folliculitis manifests, the hair follicles may get red and inflamed. It can appear everywhere there is hair growth, however it is most usually found on the neck, thighs, buttocks, and armpits. While mild situations may frequently be self-treated, more serious ones may require medical attention.

What Is Folliculitis Like?

The following are the main varieties of superficial folliculitis:

Bacterial folliculitis

This is the most common kind, characterized by itchy white pimples packed with pus. When bacteria (often staphylococcus aureus, sometimes referred to as staph), penetrate the skin through a cut, the condition takes place.

Pseudomonas folliculitis

Hot tub folliculitis can appear after bathing in a hot tub or pool with an unbalanced pH or chlorine level. About a day after being in the water, a rash of red, rounded, itchy pimples commonly develops.

Pseudofolliculitis barbae

Pseudofolliculitis barbae, often known as razor bumps, are ingrown hairs that are frequently induced by shaving or bikini waxing. After shaving or waxing, dark spots called keloids may develop on the face, neck, or groyne.

Phyton folliculitis

This variety causes red, itchy, pus-filled pimples that mostly develop on the upper body, especially on the back and chest, and is frequently accompanied by a yeast infection. But, they can also show up on the face, arms, shoulders, and neck.

Deep folliculitis has several types, including:

Barbadian sycosis

This kind of folliculitis develops after shaving and affects the entire hair follicle. It may result in scarring and big, pus-filled red lumps.

Folliculitis in Gram-negative

This kind of folliculitis can result from using antibiotics to treat acne for a long period of time. The acne gets worse as the bacteria develop an antibiotic resistance.

Carbuncles and boils

When a hair follicle becomes infected, a painful, sensitive, and red lump known as a boil forms. A carbuncle is a collection of boils.

Folliculitis eosinophilic

Babies or adults with low immune systems are the main populations affected by this form of folliculitis. It typically results in scaly, pus-filled lumps on the neck, forehead, upper arms, and shoulders.

Causes and Risk Factors of Folliculitis

Staph, a kind of bacterium that is frequently found on the skin without causing any problems, is frequently the main cause of folliculitis. Yet, it can cause folliculitis if it enters the body through a cut.

Ingrown hairs, fungal infections, skin product blockages, hair removal techniques including waxing, plucking, and shaving, and ingrown hairs are other reasons that might contribute to this problem.

Moreover, some medications, such as corticosteroids, can also lead to folliculitis. The likelihood of acquiring this illness is increased by damaged follicles, which can be caused by shaving, wearing tight clothing, sustaining skin injuries, and using adhesive bandages.

Folliculitis is also more common in persons with particular risk factors, such as acne, males with curly hair who shave, tight clothing, rubber gloves, or boots, and those who spend time in dirty pools or hot tubs. Folliculitis may also be more likely to affect people whose immune systems have been compromised by conditions like diabetes, leukaemia, or HIV/AIDS.

Getting help at the right time is better than seeking long-term treatment when the problems get out of hand. Therefore, we recommend you look for a good doctor right away. Skin health is important and taking care of yourself is an honorable thing to do.

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