Possible Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Client getting hair laser removal in the legs

What happens when you remove hair with a laser?

The treatment area will be cleaned before beginning. A numbing gel is given to certain patients. When treating a tiny area when the skin is extremely sensitive, soothing the place to be managed is helpful. A numbing gel takes around thirty to sixty minutes to take effect.

The laser procedure will be conducted in a space designed exclusively for laser procedures. During the operation, safety glasses must be worn by everyone in the room. The skin is pulled taut throughout the operation, and the laser is used to treat the skin. Several patients claim that when the laser pulses hit their skin, they feel like warmth pinpricks or like a rubber band being snapped.

By vaporising it, a laser eliminates hair. This results in little clouds of smoke that smell like sulphur.

The size of the treatment area determines how long the procedure takes. The treatment of the top lip takes a while. The length of your treatment may exceed an hour if you are having a wide region, such the back or legs, treated.

What potential negative consequences are there?

The majority of adverse effects are minimal, with a 1- to 3-day duration. Among these negative impacts are:

  •       Discomfort
  •       Swelling
  •       Redness

Such possible side effects are infrequent when laser removal is performed by a physician or under their direct supervision. Other negative consequences include:

  •       Blistering
  •       Outbreaks of herpes simplex (cold sores)
  •       Infections
  •       Scarring
  •       Skin fading or gaining colour

Skin tone usually returns to normal over time. Yet, certain variations in skin tone are irreversible. This is why it’s crucial to see a medical professional who is knowledgeable about the skin and proficient in laser treatments.

It’s crucial to adhere to your dermatologist’s recommendations. If you follow before and after-treatment instructions, the chance of side effects is considerably decreased.

When is it okay to have a second laser hair removal treatment?

This differs from patient to patient. For hair eradication, several laser treatments are typically required. For the vast majority of people, laser hair removal is only required every four to six weeks. Your dermatologist will inform you when it is safe to undergo a different therapy.

The majority of patients notice some hair growth. When you may safely undergo laser treatments to preserve the results will depend on your dermatologist.

What is the history of laser hair removal safety?

Several disorders that affect the skin, hair, and nails can be effectively treated using lasers. Many improvements in laser treatment have been realised recently. These advancements have been made mostly by dermatologists.

One such development is the increased safety of laser hair removal for more individuals. Formerly, only those with light complexion and dark hair could safely undergo laser hair removal. Patients with light-colored hair, light skin, and patients with darker complexion can all benefit from laser hair removal today. These people require extremely cautious laser hair removal. Dermatologists are familiar with the safety precautions to take into account when performing laser hair removal.

 For More Information about Laser Hair Removal, Read here.

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